When business requirements or technology changes, this history will help position the original decision and help guide new decisions. 当业务需求或技术更改时,这些历史记录可以帮助确定原来的决策,并有助于指导新决策。
Zac Efron was in first position, LeBlanc explained to TV Guide. We actually came out at the same time, but Zac got to sit closest to Graham on the couch. 扎克埃夫隆是第一嘉宾,勒布朗向TVGuide解释道我们同时出来,不过扎克和格雷厄姆坐得更近些。
Position guide for fabric lining on inner roof module, screw in fastening screws. 将织物衬里导向装置在内侧车顶模块上放好,拧入紧固螺钉。
So, putting myself in a high position, as a spiritual guide of someone else living latent in my self-deceiving thought indeed, is the unique egress for me. 因此,把自己在一个高的位置,作为精神文明指导别人的生活潜伏在我的自欺欺人的思想确实是独特的进出我。
Position air guide on the lock carrier and align it. 将导风口放在固定架上,并将其对齐。
Position permanent guide base ( PGB) below rotary table. 在转盘下安放永久导向基板。
A warm and sunny Sunday found them going for an outing at the Beach. There's part time position for tour leader or tour guide. 一个风和日丽的星期日,他们去海滨游玩。这里有一个非全日导游的职位。
Pay attention to the position of the guide pin. 注意导销的位置。
The rational design of the position of needle holes on the guide board in matrix-type printerhead is studied. 计算机主要外部设备矩阵打印机头中导针板的针孔合理设计是能打印出复杂的图形和汉字的关键部件。
Treatment position and oriented guide of the operation of odontoid fracture ( with 3 cases) 齿状突骨折手术治疗体位和定位引导(附3例报告)
There's part-time position of tour leader or tour guide. 这里有一个全日导游的职位。
Sculpt the parting closest to the hairline with low projection using parallel finger position and the longer length guide. 雕刻那离别的最靠近到和低的发射细标线使用平行的手指位置和较长的长度引导者。
Machining Precision of High Precision Axial Assembling Dimensional Chain, Assembling Technology and Analysis of Error in Shape and Position in Exchangeability of Guide Apparatus 导水机构互换性中高精度轴向装配尺寸链的加工精度、装配工艺和形位误差分析
Design of Needle Hole Position on Guide Board in Printer Head 打印机头导针板孔位置设计
The paper points out that the key to correct axial positioning lies in adjusting the position of the guide vanes 'loading edges, relative to the wheels' one that, and in adjusting the balancing disc's axial gap when the thrust bearing has closed down. 指出轴向定位的关键是调整导叶进水口与叶轮出水口的相对位置,调整推力盘闭合时平衡盘与平衡座之间的轴向间隙。
The lifting oil cylinder can not work normally due to the wear of support guide ring or gluing off release at the connecting position between the support guide ring and the inside wall of cylinder after the lifting oil cylinder used for a period of time. 在举升油缸使用一定时间后,其支承导向圈磨损或支承导向圈与缸简内壁的联接处出现脱胶剥离,致使举升油缸不能正常工作。
The authors also dealt with the effect of positions of guide rod on unwindingroving tension, and the optimal position of guide rod was analysed and discussed. 本文还对导纱杆位置与粗纱退绕力矩的关系,进行了讨论。
Optimum computation of relative circumferential position of stay vanes to guide vanes of hydraulic turbine A miniature strake attached to the nose tip of the model can be moved to different circumferential position. 水轮机固定导叶与活动导叶周向相对位置的优化计算根据以上观察,在模型头部安装了微型摆振片,该摆振片可以处在不同的周向位置。
In this paper, the optimum position between the guide vane and the stay gate is given and the optimum design parameters are put forward. 在分析了三种不同位置时的水力损失后,给出了固定导叶与活动导叶的最佳位置关系,提出了双列叶栅设计时的最优设计参数。
Electronic Detemination of Roving Unwinding Tensions and Position Selecting of Guide Rod 粗纱退绕张力的电测及导纱杆位置的选择
Educational strategic position of guide character and overall situation character indicates that it's very important to deploy educational resources reasonably and that unbalance of educational structure and aberration of educational quality view may influence sustained and healthy development of society and e-conomy. 教育的先导性和全局性战略地位表明合理配置教育资源极其重要,教育结构的失衡,教育质量观的偏差,都将影响社会和经济的持续健康发展。
The laser gyroscope is an optical sensor which is based on the effect of Sagnac. It is the ideal device of new inertial navigation system and widely used in the areas of navigation, land guidance, position finding, carrier rocket and guide missile. 激光陀螺是一种基于Sagnac效应的光学传感器,是新一代捷联惯导系统的理想器件,在航空、航海、陆地导航、定位定向、运载火箭、导弹等方面得到了广泛运用。
Objective To predicate the nidation position of fertilized ovum and guide termination of pregnancy with medicine according to ultrasonic character of uterine membrane of very early pregnancy by transvaginal ultrasound, to increase the successful rate of medicinal abortion, and reduce patient's pain. 目的根据早早孕子宫内膜声像特征,预测受精卵着床位置,指导妇科早期用药物终止妊娠,提高药物流产成功率,减轻病人痛苦。
Navigation is a highly comprehensive technology. It determined by measuring the movement and the current carrier and the position of navigation parameters to guide movement along established routes carrier accurate and safe navigation. 导航是一门综合性很强的技术,它通过测量并确定运动载体当前所处的位置及其航行参数,引导运动载体沿既定航线准确、安全地航行。
Straightness error which is one of the main form and position errors of guide rails, is the most important factor in determining the quality of rails and affects its work performance directly. 直线度误差是导轨的主要形位误差之一,是决定导轨质量的最主要因素,直接影响着导轨的工作性能。
The influence on critical speed by gyroscopic effect, stiffness of guide bearing, imbalanced electromagnetic force, mass and rotary inertia of generator rotor and turbine runner, position of guide bearing is analyzed. In addition, dynamic response under imbalanced force is considered. 本文考虑了陀螺效应、导轴承刚度、不平衡电磁拉力、转子和转轮转动惯量、导轴承位置对主轴临界转速和振型的影响,也考虑了其在不平衡力作用下的动力响应特性。
How to position it in nature and guide its creation are common problems to all the people whom are concerned about the developing of Fine Brush Paintings. 如何在精神本质上定位并指导工笔画的创作,是关心其发展的人们所共同思考的问题。
In order to reduce the uncertainty of product development, enterprises need to make NPD preced throughout the product life cycle and make use of lead users 'market leading position to guide common users' consumption behavior. 为了降低由此而来的产品开发的不确定性,企业需要将NPD贯穿于整个产品生命周期,利用领先用户的市场领先优势来引导普通用户的消费行为。
In the design of position, by changing the guide vane inlet total pressure in order to research the flow characteristics of stator flow Mach number. 在设计位置,通过改变导叶进口总压来研究不同来流马赫数时静子的流场特性。
Combined the light guide using such solution and LED light source by simple direct coupling, the front position lamp light guide system is made up. 将此方案实现的PC材料光导与LED光源相结合,通过简单有效的耦合方式,组成了前位灯光导系统。